The Lore of Atys
In 2525, Atys resembles an amnesic planet.
The homins know very little about their past let alone the history of their planet.
This section is a reflection of what they know. It brings together knowledge previously discovered and will be completed with every step closer to the verity.
Plunge into this section and enter the Universe of The Saga of Ryzom.

The homin peoples are not of the same cast.
Learn to get to know your people, your allies, and your enemies.
Higher Power
The Kami/Karavan opposition is a decisive factor in The Saga of Ryzom. Find out more about the two factions.
The story of The Saga of Ryzom has only just begun! All the more reason to pick up on every detail.
Travel through the different regions of the planet and gather information on its fauna, its flora, its inhabitants and its famous places.